
We want to make your medical or dental outreach the best it can be. Please feel free to download these forms in a variety of languages.

Medical and Dental Charts: The medical chart is designed to be clean, simple, and basic. It includes a system for pastoral follow-up after your outreach is finished. All charts have 3 sets of letters at the bottom. In English they are "AC, J, and R." These letters reflect where each person is spiritually:

"AC" means the person is "Already Christian."

"J" means the person received Jesus as his Lord during the outreach.

"R" means the person Rededicated his life to the Lord during the outreach.

After the outreach one can leave the charts with the local pastors who can in turn do spiritual follow-up, discipling the new believers.

Illiteracy Labels: In developing world countries there are high illiteracy rates. Be sure your patients know how to take their medicines when they can't read.

Referral Forms: Frequently medical outreaches encounter situations beyond the scope of their clinics. Screening with appropriate specialty referral can be very important tool of your outreach. Use these referral forms to help the patients obtain specialty care within their own country.

Post-Operative Dental Instructions: Do your patients really listen to and remember everything you tell them after they have just have a tooth extracted? Put these convenient post-operative instructions in a plastic bag with 10 Tylenol and 2 pieces of 2x2 gauze.

Preventative Health Talk: The most cost effective intervention that can be made in the developing world is through education. This health talk covers a wide variety of topics from cleaning ones water and food to vaccinations and women's health.

MEDICAL CHART: English, Spanish, French